Posts Tagged ‘buffalo wings’

Labatt Blue Imported - BOTTLELabatt Blue Imported

Canadian Flag - SMALL



Company info:
Labatt Brewing Company

[No website listed on bottle]

Bottle size sampled: 355 mL

Alcohol: 5%
Standard drinks: 1.4

Cap type: Twist

Cost: I picked this up for AU$3.70

Label info: N/A

What the label really means: N/A

The Hell-Cat review starts here

Label: Not nearly as boutique as some of the beers I have reviewed, this is one of the big players in the Canadian market and indeed North America. It’s a mass produced beer and as such not a great deal of effort has gone into the design of this label. I do like the fact it has the Canadian maple leaf on the label, but the blue and the gold really don’t do it for me. Where is the tough image of a Mounted Police officer charging at a bear? Where is the image of snow capped peaks being attacked by a wrecking ball? Where is the image of Wayne Gretzky destroying an opponents face with his fist? Come on Labatt, surely you can do better!

I give it a label rating of 3 out of 10.

AROMA: A good, strong, wheaty smell. 

Taste: GLASS -Being a mass-produced beer I really should have expected this, but I was a little taken aback when I found the beer to be quite bland. The aroma lead me to believe that this would be a good wheaty beer, and yes it’s definitely a wheaty pilsener but it’s also quite citrussy, and neither flavour is particularly dominant. It’s a mild, easy to drink beer but I really expected more, and just like my 2nd grade report card ‘there is so much potential, but very little talent’.

Labatt Blue - GLASS

I give it a beer from glass rating of 6 out of 10.

Taste: BOTTLE – Yeesh! This is not a beer to be consumed from the bottle. It loses all its taste and becomes like mildly flavoured water. Even this revelation surprises me as I totally expected it to be a head back, throw down. 


I give it a taste from bottle rating of 4.5 out of 10.

A word from the wife: “Quite delish and mellow tasting”

She gave it a taste rating of 7 out of 10.

Accompanying food: I’d love to have a few of these with something really spicy. Some hot and spicy buffalo wings and I suspect this beer would take flight.

Best season to appreciate: Definitely a Summer thirst quencher.

All-nighter beer? If you’re looking for a beer to drink all night, and don’t mind not getting much ‘oomph’ then this is it.

Other information: Being an ‘imported’ variety of Labatt Blue, this review holds no reflection on the beer sampled in Canada, from the source. Having spent much time in the US and Canada, this was once a staple draught beer of choice for me and I am sure to enjoy it once more when I return.

NEXT WEEK: Barons Black Wattle Original Ale